Wednesday 6 December 2017

What next?

No matter what your views are about the Israel/Palestine situation, surely no sane person who wants a peaceful life for their family can possibly understand why Trump has derailed the Peace Talks by announcing that he is moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in recognition of Israel's ambition to make it their capital?

Years of work and so much blood spilt, and Trump casually disregards it with a Tweet. Christians, Moslems and Jews in Jerusalem are now extremely worried. They are even confused and dismayed in Washington. I bet that the Embassy staff in Tel Aviv are a little worried too.


  1. When I first read your head line "What Next" I immediately thought of the recent Brexit negotiations however, that not being the topic.
    Like Cro I was willing to give Trump some slack at first. Now I see him as an ignorant rabble rouser, out to cause the maximum of trouble with zero regards of the professionalism that we expect of people in high office.

  2. The mind boggles; and mine is totally boggled.

  3. I just read that Trump is really trying to erase the 20th century. Maybe he is.

  4. That should have read 21st century.

  5. I think he is out to destroy more. Those who opposed him knew he would be dangerous but never did we imagine how evil and destructive he would be. Somehow, he needs to be removed sooner than later.

    1. Maybe he has seen how long Robert Mugabe lasted.

  6. I really don't think it's a big deal. I loathe der Drumpf, but recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is just acknowledging the facts on the ground. The Israeli government already has scores of governmental buildings there, it is already the de facto capital of Israel. Calm down: do you think that Syria going to invade Israel to defend Palestinian honor? Jordan? Egypt? Nope. This is a tempest in a teapot. There is still room to negotiate the partition of East Jerusalem for the Arabs (it's already heavily Arab) if, and IF, and when the Palestinians want to hammer out a deal. I think der Drumpf just called their bluff.

    1. Partition? Jews, Christians and Moslems have been living together in peace and harmony for hundreds of years, then us Brits got involved and washed our hands of it in the 1940s. Let's see how calm you are if Trump makes it the full term.

  7. I think it's the height of presumption and heavy-handedness.....does anyone have the balls to say " that's a very bad idea"?
    I think there must be someone

    1. Yes, there are those that do but they are not in power. Rogue Male springs to mind...

  8. What indeed Tom. Words fail me. Why on earth did they elect him in the first place?

    1. My faith in democracy and the popular vote has been shattered last year.

    2. Remember, the majority of us in the US voted against him. It was the ridiculous outdated Electoral College that voted him in.

    3. True, Carol. May the outdated electoral college be put out to pasture!

  9. Bannon's whole purpose was to start the war in the mid-east. Believes the apocalypse is coming. It is just sickening. Trump gets worse by the day and I can't believe he hasn't been removed. We'll just have to hang on with the rest of the world until he is gone.

    1. These people are genuinely psychopathic. They do the best of a bad job.

  10. An interesting theory I heard today was that Trump wants to be seen as the remover of terrorists, therefore he has to create more...

    1. It's a legacy, I suppose. A bit like Tony Blair's. Create a load of terrorists by killing civilians, then blame it on the terrorists you manage to kill.

  11. You beat me to it. This was to be the subject of my post. I'll just make one point that no one else has: For many Evangelical Christians, the move has prophetic significance as they believe it will hasten the Apocalypse. The announcement is the consummation of his pledge to them. Remember, this group is his base. The view of liberal American Jews is that Trump is acting recklessly here and endangering Israelis and Palestinians.

    1. When I first heard about the Apocalypse theory, I didn't believe it. I said a while ago that world events were beginning to make the place look like the cover of a Watchtower pamphlet. This is really what is known as a self-fulfilling prophesy.

  12. I'm sure he thinks it's his best deal negotiated yet. What a fucking tool.

    1. He actually said that. I thought 'deals' involved negotiation.

    2. I thought deals involved a "get" for both parties.

    3. The people of Scotland get a golf coarse. Donald Trump gets a golf coarse. The people of Jerusalem get a hotel. Donald Trump gets a hotel in Jerusalem. The people of Israel get nothing. The people of Palestine get worse than nothing. Donald Trump is a complete and utter piece of stinking shit.
